What is The Founder's Lounge?

Did you know that community building isn't just about networking and socializing?

Howdy partner 🤠,

Did you know that community building isn't just about networking and socializing?

It's actually rooted in neuroscience! When people engage in meaningful social interactions within a community, their brains release oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone." This chemical promotes feelings of trust, bonding, and connection with others.

So, when you're building a community—whether online or offline—you're not only fostering relationships but also triggering positive neurological responses that contribute to a sense of belonging and well-being. This fun fact highlights the profound impact of community building on our mental and emotional health, making it a delightful and scientifically fascinating endeavor!

In today’s email:

  • Why did I rebrand my newsletter? - The Founder’s Lounge Roadmap

  • What’s next? - Let’s rock n roll

  • Alex Hormozi’s video on scaling up the unscalable - 55 minutes of the best entrepreneurship advice

👇🏽 Follow me on X/Twitter, if you aren’t already

Why did I rebrand my newsletter?

The Founder’s Lounge

🌟 Exciting News: Introducing The Founder's Lounge! 🌟

Dear Online Entrepreneurs, Content Creators, and Influencers

We are thrilled to announce the launch of The Founder's Lounge, a dynamic and supportive community exclusively designed for online entrepreneurs like you to collaborate, share expertise, and thrive together in this current state of the economy as we push forward.

🚀 What is The Founder's Lounge?

The Founder's Lounge is more than just a community—it's your go-to destination for networking, learning, and growing your online business in the future. Gain access to valuable resources, connect with like-minded peers at our meet-ups, and elevate your entrepreneurial journey to new heights by partnering with newfound friends.

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." – Napolean Hill

🔥 Membership Benefits:

✅ Connect with a vibrant community of passionate entrepreneurs

✅ Access exclusive content, guides, and resources to fuel your business growth

✅ Participate in live Q&A webinars, workshops, and networking events

✅ Gain insights from expert interviews and success stories

✅ Get personalized support and feedback from fellow members of the community

✅ No solicitations in the community

💡 Why Join Now?

Be among the first to join The Founder's Lounge and enjoy special launch offers, including discounted membership rates and exclusive bonuses for founding members. Take advantage of this opportunity to shape the community and contribute to its growth from the ground up. More information coming soon!

📅 Save the Date:

Membership enrollment opens this summer in 2024. Mark your calendars and get ready to embark on an exciting journey with a community of like-minded entrepreneurs dedicated to success.

Let's build something incredible together at The Founder's Lounge!

So.. What’s Next?

We are still under construction for the most part of the community itself. We know that it will live on Skool.com learning platform but we do have plans to do more in-person events as well in the future - most likely summer of 2025.

For now, we will keep building and updating people through this email newsletter.

This newsletter will provide:

  1. Exclusive Insights and Tips:

    Share valuable insights, strategies, and tips related to entrepreneurship, advertising, marketing, and business growth. Offer unique perspectives, expert advice, and actionable takeaways that resonate with your audience.

  2. Member Spotlights and Success Stories:

    Highlight members of The Founder's Lounge and their success stories, achievements, and milestones. Showcase their entrepreneurial journey, challenges overcome, and lessons learned to inspire and motivate other community members.

  3. Community Updates and Announcements:

    Keep members informed about upcoming events, webinars, workshops, and networking opportunities within The Founder's Lounge. We will share news, updates, and initiatives related to the community's growth and development.

  4. Curated Resources and Tools:

    Provide curated recommendations for useful resources, tools, software, books, articles, and podcasts relevant to entrepreneurship and business development. Help members discover valuable resources to enhance their knowledge and skills.

  5. Educational Content and Tutorials:

    Offer educational content, tutorials, and guides on topics such as branding, content creation, social media marketing, SEO, email marketing, and sales strategies. Provide practical tips, step-by-step instructions, and case studies to help members improve their business acumen.

  6. Exclusive Offers and Discounts:

    Partner with relevant brands, service providers, and industry experts to offer exclusive discounts, deals, and offers to members of The Founder's Lounge. Provide access to special promotions, beta programs, or early access to new products and services.

  7. Community Engagement and Discussions:

    Encourage community engagement and discussions by posing thought-provoking questions, initiating polls, or hosting virtual meetups and networking events. Foster connections and collaboration among members by facilitating meaningful interactions and exchanges.

  8. Feedback and Surveys:

    Solicit feedback and suggestions from members about their experience in The Founder's Lounge and preferences for future content and initiatives. Conduct surveys or polls to gather insights and improve the value proposition of the community.

Alex Hormozi - Scaling Up The Unscalable


Warren Buffett's story about the importance of the decision to choose the right business serves as a basis for the presentation.

Alex shares his experience and key frameworks for achieving material success by leveraging time and opportunity.

The four frameworks for scaling entrepreneurship include scaling the entrepreneur, the market, the deliverable, and the business.

Alex shares his trajectory of scaling revenue from $0 to $85 million and the corresponding business strategies at each level.


1. 📈 The importance of the decision to choose the right business, as emphasized by Warren Buffett.

2. 💡 Alex Hormozi’s personal experience and key frameworks for achieving material success.

3. 🔄 The four frameworks for scaling entrepreneurship: scaling the entrepreneur, the market, the deliverable, and the business.


The purpose of the presentation is to provide valuable insights and frameworks for scaling business and achieving material success.

As always, please feel free to reach out with any feedback or comments. I would love to improve on this newsletter as much as I can so we can launch the community soon!

Ethan J. Lagahid

@ethanlagahid on X