One Of The Most Effective Advertisements Of All Time ft. Turner Sutton

Have you ever heard of the company called Coca-Cola? Let’s talk about an old advertisement

Howdy partner 🤠,

Have you ever heard of the company called Coca-Cola? Let’s talk about an old advertisement they used to run in the early 70’s..

I have some updates on The Founder’s Lounge

I also want to introduce you guys to one of my first guests on the newsletter..

In today’s email:

  • One Of The Most Effective Advertisements Of All Time - Coca-cola and the genius of Bill Backer

  • The Founder’s Lounge Update - Still building

  • Turner Sutton: Elevating Real Estate Marketing with SkyLight Tours - Twitter spotlight

One Of The Most Effective Advertisements Of All Time

Unveiling Coca-Cola's Timeless Ad: Hilltop

Coca-Cola's iconic television ad, featuring the captivating tune "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke," remains one of the most revered and effective advertisements in history. First unveiled in 1971, this ad captured the hearts of millions all across the world and has left a mark on advertising culture worldwide. Let's dive into the fascinating story behind this enduring masterpiece and the creative genius behind its inception.

Contrary to popular belief spurred by the hit TV series "Mad Men," it was not Don Draper who penned this unforgettable jingle. The true architect behind this musical gem was Bill Backer, a visionary in the advertising realm, who sadly passed away in Warrenton, Virginia, at the age of 89.

The commercial itself was a visual symphony, showcasing diverse faces from all walks of life singing harmoniously on top of a hill in Manziana, Italy, expressing the desire to share a Coke with the world. What's astounding is that this groundbreaking ad, back in 1971, was also the world's most expensive commercial, costing a hefty $250,000 at the time. Worth about $2,034,124.67 in 2024, adjusted to inflation.

The genesis of this remarkable idea unfolded unexpectedly. Bill Backer found himself stranded at an airport cafe in Shannon, Ireland, surrounded by frustrated travelers due to a blanket of fog that enveloped London. Amid this delay, something magical happened. Backer observed people sharing moments of camaraderie over Coca-Cola, seeing the bottle not merely as a drink but as a symbol of unity and connection.

In his own words, Backer shared the revelation: "I began to see a bottle of Coca-Cola as more than a drink... It was a tiny bit of commonality between all peoples." This transformative insight inspired him to craft a message that transcended borders and cultures, encapsulating a shared sentiment of togetherness.

The jingle's lyrics, penned on the back of a napkin, epitomized this vision:

"I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,

Grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow-white turtle doves.

I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,

I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company."

Released on radio stations in 1971, the jingle quickly soared in popularity, garnering requests akin to chart-topping hits of the era. The Hillside Singers and the New Seekers brought these harmonious notes to life, with renditions climbing the Billboard charts, further solidifying its cultural impact at the time in history.

To bring this vision to life visually, Coca-Cola gathered five hundred people on a hilltop in Manziana, capturing a moment of shared joy and unity that resonated globally. Despite challenges and budget overruns, the company believed in Backer's vision wholeheartedly.

The ad's resonance extended far beyond its airtime. Coca-Cola, as a company, received an overwhelming response of over 100,000 letters, a testament to the ad's profound impact.

Reflecting on the ad's enduring legacy, Backer highlighted its universal appeal: "It's generally considered the world's most popular commercial." This sentiment was echoed by Roger Greenaway, attributing its success to a message of hope during a turbulent era.

For Bill Backer, advertising was about speaking directly to the public, forging connections, and spreading messages of unity and positivity. His legacy lives on in this timeless ad, reminding us of the power of creativity and storytelling to unite us all.

As we celebrate the impact of this iconic ad, let's pay tribute to Bill Backer, whose vision continues to inspire generations and exemplify the artistry of advertising that transcends time and resonates with the human spirit.

We need to bring back great advertising.

The Founder’s Lounge Update:

I am almost done recording the roadmap for the first few phases of The Founder’s Lounge. It will dive deeper into why I think this community is important and the various different offerings it will have.

I also want to open up a section in this newsletter about up-and-coming online entrepreneurs. The first one is actually right below this. I interviewed my friend on Twitter, Turner Sutton. I hope you guys enjoy this new section because I have a lot of people signed up for interviews. I want to shine a light on entrepreneurs on Twitter who are doing really cool things.

I am also playing with the idea of a soft launch for The Founder’s Lounge. A small group of 20 or less people. With an opening price of $17-$20 per person just enough to keep the operations running. I really would like this because it will allow me to test some of my theories about this community.. More on this soon.

Turner Sutton: Elevating Real Estate Marketing with SkyLight Tours

In the bustling world of real estate marketing, Turner Sutton stands out as a visionary entrepreneur, leveraging his passion for photography and business acumen to create SkyLight Tours—a company that revolutionizes how realtors represent their properties. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to exceptional service, Turner has rapidly grown his venture, setting new benchmarks in the industry.

A Journey Rooted in Passion

"I started in the photography industry when I was 10 years old... In high school, I was doing videos and photography for multiple sports events and senior portraits." This early immersion laid the groundwork for Turner's entrepreneurial aspirations.

After exploring different avenues in photography, Turner found his niche in real estate marketing. He explains, "I didn't understand real estate or architectural photography until I took mentors and shadowed underneath them." This pivotal learning phase led Turner to establish SkyLight Tours, a business dedicated to addressing the industry's need for consistent, high-quality marketing solutions.

Turner's journey into the world of real estate marketing began at a remarkably young age. Inspired by photography since the age of 10, he honed his skills through various projects and collaborations. By the time he reached high school, Turner was already immersed in capturing the essence of sports events, senior portraits, and even college scout videos. This early experience not only fueled his passion but also laid the groundwork for his future entrepreneurial endeavors.

The Genesis of SkyLight Tours

Armed with a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective, Turner launched SkyLight Tours. This marked a significant evolution in his career, as he shifted from a consumer-oriented approach to a business-to-business model, catering specifically to real estate professionals. SkyLight Tours quickly gained traction, attracting nearly 200 realtors in the Pacific Northwest and photographing over 850 homes within just two years—a testament to Turner's dedication and the effectiveness of his services.

Overcoming Adversity

"I had an emotional discourse... My parents went through a divorce that divided my family." Through perseverance and a renewed focus on personal growth, Turner emerged stronger, leading SkyLight Tours to record-breaking achievements.

Turner's path to success wasn't without challenges. He faced personal turmoil during his parents' divorce, which deeply impacted both his personal life and his business. Yet, with resilience and determination, Turner navigated through this rough patch, reprogramming his mindset and rediscovering his entrepreneurial drive. Today, he celebrates not only business milestones but also personal triumphs, finding strength in his relationships and a renewed sense of purpose.

Embracing Value-Driven Innovation

"I aim to always produce more value than we ask in return for price." This commitment to excellence has earned SkyLight Tours a reputation for going above and beyond in every client interaction.

At the core of SkyLight Tours is Turner's commitment to delivering exceptional value. His offerings go beyond traditional real estate marketing, encompassing listing photography, agent marketing, social media strategies, and more—all delivered with a personal touch and genuine enthusiasm for his clients' success. Turner emphasizes the importance of humility and continuous improvement, encouraging aspiring entrepreneurs to prioritize value creation and innovation in their own ventures.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

For those venturing into entrepreneurship, Turner offers insightful advice based on his own journey. He emphasizes the importance of proving one's worth before expecting compensation, stating, "It's important to look for opportunities to provide value without asking for any monetary compensation." Turner's approach underscores the transformative impact of humility, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in business.

In a competitive industry where image is everything, Turner Sutton and SkyLight Tours stand as beacons of professionalism and creativity. As he continues to elevate the standard of real estate marketing, Turner's story serves as both inspiration and a testament to the limitless possibilities of combining passion with purpose in the entrepreneurial realm.

Please follow Turner on twitter →

To learn more about Turner Sutton and SkyLight Tours, visit

As always, please feel free to reach out with any feedback or comments. I would love to improve on this newsletter as much as I can so we can launch the community soon!

Ethan J. Lagahid

@ethanlagahid on X

👇🏽 Follow me on X/Twitter, if you aren’t already