Read This When You’re Ready To Move On ft. Dan Koe

Are you ready to move on in life? I have just the article

Howdy partner 🤠,

Are you ready to move on in life? I have just the article for you..

Dan Koe also walks us through the mechanics of a one-person business. This is a valuable video for anyone who has thought about being a content creator in the future.

In today’s email:

  • Read This When You’re Ready To Move On - Every Thursday, I’ll post more personal lessons about life in general.. Hope you guys like it

  • The Founder’s Lounge Update - Still building but I do want to build a roadmap

  • Dan Koe’s video on building a one-person business - He dives deep on a singular level of the capabilities of the creator economy

Read This When You’re Ready To Move On

Something I have learned recently..

In the journey of life, moving on is a nuanced process that transcends societal timelines and expectations. Whether you're recovering from a breakup, loss, or significant change in your career, the path to moving forward is rarely a linear one. It's about navigating the in-between stages and embracing the complexities of growth, accepting what is for you, and letting go of what isn’t.

Society often dictates how long it should take to move on. You might hear it from the people closest to you about how long it should take to get over something. — half the length of a relationship, a year after a loss, etc. But life doesn't adhere to these rigid, and often made-up, timelines. As human beings, we are inherently wired to hold onto what's familiar. Letting go isn't about a single action; it's a series of moments, big and small, where we release and reorient ourselves. Until one day, we wake up and realize that we have entered a new chapter in our lives. A chapter in our book that is fresh.. clean.. a chance to be better. A chance to live out the rest of our lives, making decisions based on our past.

So what does it mean to move on in everyday life:

It's about letting go when you pass by their favorite soup at the store without picking it up

It's about discarding the body wash that still carries their scent

It’s about canceling that gym membership for a different one

It’s about letting out your emotions until you can’t anymore

It’s about getting a new haircut

It’s about starting a new Netflix show

It’s about reading books that interest you

It’s about applying for that new job

It’s about moving into that new apartment

It’s about trying that new cocktail at the bar

Moving on isn't a one-time event; it's a thousand little steps towards acceptance and renewal.

Moving on isn't about rushing forward; it's about finding balance between release and progress. You can achieve great things and still feel a void. Mourning while growing isn't weakness; it's part of being human. Good things often come with a bit of pain, and that's okay. Healing takes time, and it's important to honor that process and be extremely patient with yourself.

As hardworking adults, we often crave instant results in our endeavors — be it in relationships, career transitions, or personal growth. However, true progress is rarely linear; it's a dance of steps forward and steps back. Embrace the in-between spaces, where growth happens quietly and resilience is nurtured.

Growth and letting go move hand in hand, a beautiful dance of releasing the old to welcome the new. We are often our harshest critics, but let's celebrate our progress and acknowledge how far we've come.

Moving on is a complex journey, but it's also a testament to our resilience and capacity for growth. Embrace the process, cherish the growth, and trust that every step forward counts. Allow yourself the grace to navigate the in-between spaces, where true transformation unfolds.

In conclusion, moving on isn't a destination; it's an ongoing journey of self-discovery and resilience. As hardworking individuals and adults, let's embrace the complexities of this journey and celebrate our evolution along the way.

It's okay to not have all the answers or to feel uncertain about the path ahead. Take small steps towards a brighter future, even when the road seems unclear. Trust in your resilience and ability to adapt. Each day is an opportunity to heal, grow, and redefine what a fulfilled life means for you.

Remember, moving on doesn't mean forgetting or erasing the past. It means honoring your experiences and using them as stepping stones towards a more fulfilling life. Embrace the process of healing and transformation with patience and self-compassion.

As you navigate the journey of moving on, surround yourself with supportive relationships and positive influences. Seek guidance from mentors or friends who have walked a similar path. Share your experiences and listen to others' stories. You are not alone in this journey.

In the end, moving on is about finding peace within yourself and embracing the possibilities that lie ahead. Trust in your mind and embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth. You have the strength to move forward and create a life filled with purpose and joy.

Keep moving forward, one step at a time.

The Founder’s Lounge Update:

I am currently developing a roadmap for where I think the first phase of this community can be. I want to record a loom video for it and share it here when I am done.

It might take a while.

I have pitched the idea to some people about pricing; currently looking at $37-40 per month to be a member of the community. More on this coming soon.

Dan Koe - Zero To $1 Million As A One-Person Business (Working 2-4 Hours A Day)


Learn how to build a one-person business from zero to $1 million a year working 2-4 hours a day. The focus is on starting a business by solving your own problems and selling the solutions to others.


1. The key to starting a successful business is to solve the problems you have already experienced in your own life.

2. Imposter syndrome can be overcome by offering education or coaching based on your own experiences and results.

3. The future of schooling lies in the creator economy, where individuals can make thousands to millions a year by educating, entertaining, and inspiring others.

4. Embracing a four-hour workday philosophy can lead to earning $1 million a year while working the same amount of time.

5. The pathway to $1 million involves evolving from client work to building an audience, then productizing from the audience growth.

6. Money is a tool for building what you want, and the urge to contribute to humanity on a universal level is pivotal.


The purpose of this video by Dan is to provide a roadmap for individuals to start and grow a one-person business to achieve financial success while working minimal hours each day.

As always, please feel free to reach out with any feedback or comments. I would love to improve on this newsletter as much as I can so we can launch the community soon!

Ethan J. Lagahid

@ethanlagahid on X

👇🏽 Follow me on X/Twitter, if you aren’t already